First two weeks of the LIC

Not sure how it has been two weeks since we started, but here we are! These two weeks have mostly involved getting settled into our accommodation (navigating fridge and cupboard space in the kitchen), figuring out how long we can lie in bed before having to get up to get to our GP practices in time, meeting lots of lovely new people (everyone has been so friendly and helpful), and finding our way around the hospital. 

My GP practice is split into two practices – Catterick and Colburn. So far, I have sat in and observed three different GPs in clinic and been on some home visits. I have seen a huge variety of people and different presentations already, with several potential longitudinal patients. My GP runs a “walk-in” type clinic in the morning and then appointments in the afternoon. I’m definitely getting a lot of exposure to topics studied last year as well as those we study this year, which will be useful for refreshing knowledge throughout the year in preparation for 4th year exams. In hospital, we have had some teaching, including going through some scenarios using the ABCDE approach, to prepare us for our acute week in James Cook. 

Northallerton isn’t the biggest place, it’s a cute market town in North Yorkshire, which means you don’t have to go very far to be surrounded by beautiful countryside. Which I have been exploring during my runs around the area whilst the days are a bit longer – see photos below! 

Tomorrow (weather permitting) we might go on a trip to Roseberry Topping, a famous hill in the area that provides a great view from the top! So stay tuned to see some photos from there🙂


Author: Naomi Slater

I'm a 4th year medical student at HYMS taking part in the Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (LIC). I'm a graduate, having already studied physiology and a master's in neuroscience, which I did in Newcastle. I chose to do the LIC because I think it will give me the opportunity to be more involved in patient care and to follow their journeys from the beginning, compared with seeing multiple patients at different stages of their care. It provides a more realistic and holistic approach to learning medicine, compared to standard 'block learning’. In my free time I enjoy cooking (and eating), cycling, and I am working on enjoying running, but being in the countryside is helping!

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